So. . . here is my {first}Currently!
I just love love this show! To be honest, the characters remind me of my group of friend (although we're not that smart) but they are a rather witty bunch :)
Watching lightning and rain outside my window is just one of the many things I love about summer. And rain doesn't come all that often in my neck of the woods, so whenever it does show itself I can't help but drop everything and watch
I only started teacher blogging mid summer and I am so thankful for all of the fantastic resources I have found and I can't wait for all of the connections I hope to make in the years to come!
Dr. Pepper is my go to drink when I go anywhere. . . its just 29 flavors combining to make one fantastical drink
I'm thinking that the Dr. Pepper could really help me with this! I'm about half way done setting up my classroom but I haven't even started on my curriculum yikes! On second thought, I might need 2 sodas...
B2s Must Haves
- I am a planning machine! And having one place to put all my appointments and to-dos is a must!
- Correcting piles of papers is just so much more fun with colorful pens!
- I have been going through all of my clothes to find the perfect first day ever as a brand new teacher outfit but so far I have been unsuccessful. But I still have 26 days right?!
There it is, my currently August ...happy blogging everyone!
Oh! One more thing! I just added an adorable Bloglovin' button from Courtney, you should go check out all of the fabulous things on her blog!

I love new pens!! And I just recently bought a first day outfit...check & check! :)
Sliding into First!
I absolutely LOVE the Big Bang Theory.. it's my nightly sanity break, for sure! And, there's nothing like a new planner & some colorful pens. :) GOOD LUCK on your first year!!!!! :)
Happy to be following you, too! :)
First Grade Fairytales
There is nothing better than a rain on a summer evening! Get yourself that Dr. Pepper!
Teaching 3rd with Mr. G
Follow me on Bloglovin
I love thunderstorms in the summer! I'm with you on needing to be more productive. Just look at me. Instead of working on cleaning my house or going through some files, I'm typing to you. Glad I found another third grade teacher.
Third Grade Galore
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