But I wouldn't be honest if I also failed to mention that I am ECSTATIC that summer is here!! In celebration I am linking up with Mrs. Jump's Class for
1) After a year back in my hometown right out of college I think it's about time for another grand adventure! I am hoping to move to a city 2 hours away and find an apartment with my BFFAE Mari!
2) I want to spend some time crafting and making some cute do-dads for my new apartment. I haven't gotten to spend much time with my glue gun since the school year started :)
3) I (capital L) LOVE TO READ! I have a mighty big stack of books that I plan on devouring this summer while my days are free
4) Create some products for TpT! I used that site at least twice a week ALL YEAR LONG and I would love to be able to contribute to such an incredible resource!
5) I also have a stack of PD books I'm planning on reading so I can implement some new strategies for next year.
6) Head out of California for an overdue visit with the fam jam. We weren't able to make it out for any holidays last year and I am dying to see my family!
7) Spend LOADS of time with these marvelous individuals before I move! These friends have become so dear to me over the past year and I am going to miss them terribly! But if all goes according to plan I will convince them all to move with me ;)
8) With these fabulous friends we have decided to spend our summer completing the Southern Idaho {Date} Bucket List
9) Work around the house. We've got a whole lot of land out here that has been taken over by weeds. But they are no match for me! Weed tamer extraordinaire!
***This is a very accurate depiction of what my cat and I will look like combating the evil weed armies***
10) This summer I especially want to just relax, enjoy my time off, and make some lasting mental movies
شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالاحساء
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