Friday, August 1, 2014


I'm linking up with Farley for this month’s Currently! 

Listening - I LOVE watching Saved by the Bell and thanks to Netflix I have 99 episodes at my fingertips 

Loving - Excited doesn't even scratch the surface of how I feel about moving to Boise and starting 2nd grade at Sage International in a few weeks!!  To top it all off I got an apartment with one of my very best friends!

Thinking - So now that I am moving down to 2nd grade my blog title A Little Bird in Third doesn't fit anymore.  So I am pleading asking my teacher friends who have been in the blog-o-sphere longer than a year like me...what should I do?

Wanting - As fun as moving to Boise is, unpacking all those boxes is not my favorite thing in the world to do.  But I am determined to get completely set up this week because next week I will be moving into my brand new classroom!!  *happy dance*

Needing - My room is a bit of a mess but I'm thinking I will just wait until tomorrow to finish packing and just get ready to go see Transformers with my brother at the drive in!  He claims he's never been so we are going to do a little sibling bonding at watch some transformers duke it out on the big screen :D

I am meeting up with the other two second grade teacher in a few days to meet and come up with our supply list.  I can't wait to meet these phenomenal teachers and gear up for a GREAT year!!