This week (since it was only 3 days) I set up a mystery festival and the kids had a BALL being crime scene investigators! When they came into class on Tuesday they found this little disaster and they couldn't wait to get started!
When we made our crime scene map, they suggested we add a key so that anyone could understand our map *insert happy dance* dang my kids are learning so much :)
They had so much fun hypothesizing and making inferences on Wednesday and Thursday during our crime scene testing. Some came up with some pretty wacky scenarios but it was great to let them explore and try to solve the crime!
I have some little darlings that apparently think my dating life isn't nearly as exciting as it should be (even though they know nothing about it) I have been receiving notes from a "secret admire" at least once a week for the past month. My girls swear that he comes in really fast, gives them the note, then darts back out....what a mysterious man ;)
At first they were pretty standard notes like "you're pretty" and "you're the best teacher ever" but then they started getting a little strange..
....I just.....I can't even....
There really is never a dull moment in room 207
I had one of my kiddos that set up a scavenger hunt just for me around the classroom! How sweet is that?!? My treasure was two cute little bookmarks she had colored for me :)
We also recently finished up our human body unit and my kiddos had a fabulous time learning about our brains!
Every waking moment that I'm not in my classroom I am with these lovely individuals and I am so thankful for their friendship! If I didn't have them, our little town would be almost unbearably boring :)